SAE Collegiate Club

The SAE Collegiate club thrusts on developing or enhancing important skills, including: leadership, time management, project management, communications, planning, delegation, budgeting and finance etc through various activities. The SAE collegiate club at CE Adoor focuses on providing students with hands-on learning experiences through workshops, hands-on sessions on the broad realm of mobility engineering. The SAE student’s chapter manages the CEA Motorsports community. CEA Motorsports is a division of the SAE Collegiate club of CEA. Around 20-25% of the students of the department get involved in the activities of one of the below mentioned teams at some point during their stay in the campus. The activities of these teams include computer aided modeling and analysis of the vehicle, followed by fabrication and testing. Apart from the technical aspects, the teams’ success depends, to a large extent, on their business plan, efficient and optimum use of resources, and project management efforts. Through getting involved in the activities of the motorsport teams, the students concerned are getting exposed to some of the key realms of Mechanical Engineering. The students who have been/are members of one of these teams are encouraged to participate in discussion-based activities conducted in the classroom (in the form of case-studies and hands-on sessions) as part of the courses directly relevant to the activities of the motorsports community. This discussion driven classes have come a long way in stimulating interest in engineering among the students as well as enhancing the quality of the teaching-learning.
Currently three teams, each specializing in a particular type of vehicle, represent our college in various events across the country.
Team DRUTHA – Formula car
Team ASTRA – ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle)
Team AAGNEYA – Go-karts.
The members of each team make presentations on the salient features of their vehicle and an overview of the various stages through which a vehicle passes (design, fabrication, testing etc), before competing with similar teams from across the country in events conducted by reputed organizations like SAE INDIA.